Spoiler Reach the end of the world first(2000km). Sidenote: the most detailed wiki is still the japanese one, I let chrome translate it for me. http://katamichihero.wiki.fc2.com/wiki/隠し要素
Spoiler Wait, the world ends at 2000km?! Damn it all, I was so close! Every time I think I'm out this game drags me back in... need to start up my marathon Inhumane Maniac hero again and make it just 400 further than I did last time.
Spoiler It "ends" the first time at 2000km, then again at every 1000km, though from what I get out of the japanese wiki it runs out completely, thus really ending, at 10000km.
Still having fun with this, 21 hours played, and I've now beaten gruelling with every class and inhumane with bard(dark knight special event).
started playing this yesterday, and after six hours i am hooked. so many little things to discover. the hunger/stamina system is also pretty neat-- i have NEVER played a game in which I actually liked hunger mechanics, so color me impressed.
So I just found an entire plot thread in this game I had no idea existed. Funny the things you can find if you experiment...