Please for the love of our carpal tunnels add a way to separate more than one item per click!

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Aegho, May 28, 2012.

  1. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Just change Lucky Pick so it's "I always have a lockpick". It's basically a free inventory slot for Burglary people and saves the hassle of having to deal with clicky cooldown abilities. If you don't like the free inventory thing (or need an item), just give them a special Skeleton Key thing when they get Lucky Pick (since you can give items on leveling now), that acts like a pick, but refreshes itself after use.
    Zalminen, OmniNegro, Kazeto and 2 others like this.
  2. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Remember to pick your battles, Nicholas. You can't prevent all possible abuses, so you should only expend energy in proportion to the problem. Don't break your back over this one, because most people will never get anywhere near 2,000 lockpicks.
  3. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Yeah...that's plain crazy. I mean literally crazy. That's not OCD. That's madness.

    This, on the other hand, should be Sparta.
    DavidB1111 and OmniNegro like this.
  4. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I suggest a magical alternative to a lockpick. In English, an "Unlock" spell.

    Simple and negates the trouble for a modest mana cost.
  5. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    I don't think it's a secret or anything after Nicholas said they were changing it, but it's basically what Fax said at the top of the page. Having lucky pick would just mean you can unlock everything.

    (unless something changes)
    FaxCelestis likes this.
  6. Shadowplay

    Shadowplay Member

    That is only true because they convert them all into stacks of 500 lutefisk - or thats what I do when running burglary at least.
  7. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    I don't know, the one thing that I usually end up converting into lutefisk en masse is ground meat (and even then, that's maybe a thousand in the end-game; I know I suck at that), many of my builds having Big Game Hunter and stuff. I usually just use lucky pick until I have 100~120 lockpicks and forget about using it until I run empty or do something important (like completing a monster zoo).

    So I'm not averse to the idea of not having to use an inventory slot on lockpicks at all.
  8. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Sounds like the "problem" is more widespread than I thought it was, and worth Nicholas' time after all. I just need to remind myself, not everyone plays Dredmor the way I do.

    Personally, I only fisk lockpicks if I happen to discover a lutefisk statue and notice that I'm 20 or fewer fisk away from a full 500 stack. I find the rewards are not worth much effort, and so I primarily use the cube for cleaning. It's been a long time since I've activated more than 2 or 3 lutefisk statues in a single game.

    I guess I arrogantly assumed that compulsive fisking was some sort of stage that a player went through and abandoned early on. My bad. The RNG seems to really screw with me locally - perhaps others have been getting more worthwhile rewards from the slimy god, and thus find it worth it.
  9. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member

    It's also possible this is a symptom of over reliance on Archeology. I know that in my XP maxing run I've found myself wanting 500 fisk a lot more often than normal, like every floor. Grinding Cheeses and Meat is a step in the right direction, but sometimes I still need a good 100+ lockpicks to make the full Fisk. Particularly true before I found a grinder to work with.
  10. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    (The proper answer, really, is to just kill the Lutefisk cube so people have more fun. But we love the joke too much.
    ... Can you just pretend it doesn't exist after the first time? )
  11. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    o_o wut no

    Lutefisk cube is made of love. It is the companion cube of DoD. I love it so much it's no longer a platonic shape. Anything I don't plan on selling, eating, or crafting gets tossed in there.
    Loswaith, Kazeto and r_b_bergstrom like this.
  12. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Please don't get rid of the cube.

    It's great for dumping small foods and boozes when you're high level. You don't want them littering the floor or they'll jump back in your inventory if you backtrack (and you don't want to disable auto-loot or you'll have to click manually on all the larger foods and drinks you do want). No one wants to hear "your inventory if full!" a dozen times if they can hear "skol!" once instead.
    Kazeto likes this.
  13. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    Getting rid of the lutefisk cube item is a good idea. The secondary shrine rooms could take over that functionality, perhaps, if people really want. A minor lutefisk shrine that does the equivalent of the cube, or something. Right now the problem with the lutefisk cube (and brax) is that it encourages people to lug stuff they don't need around (basically, it rewards something people hate to do). In the case of the lutefisk cube, it's a little better cause most of those things getting turned to clutter will be stuff to craft into more items. For Brax, things quickly get quite nasty. Perhaps he shouldn't be willing to buy all kinds of items at all shops, or something.
  14. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    If the cube disappears I will boycott Dungeons of Dredmor.

    ...and by boycott, I mean play through the game in a very dark room so that no one can see the tears sliding down my cheeks from the lack of lutefisk.

    also, if you want to make splitting stacks easier, just make it work like it does in Baldur's Gate-- double click to get a little pop-up.
    OmniNegro and Lorrelian like this.
  15. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Also, the source of the problem isn't lockpicks, it's the 500 lutefisk you need for the best result from the statues.
    OmniNegro and SkyMuffin like this.
  16. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member

  17. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Yeah. I always thought needing 500 lutefisk for a likely mediocre randart was crazy talk.

    Either *REALLY* ramp up the quality of the lutefisk rewards, or greatly lower the amount needed for a decent reward.
  18. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Why not make it always the same quality of artifact (or generated by floor), but have it require a tithe of 1d400+100 lutefisk?
  19. Loswaith

    Loswaith Member

    I dont think its overly an issue unless you have the OCD that you must tithe the 500 every time. Persoanlly I have that OCD (it's not unique to DoD) but I've had it a while and thats why I bought a programable keyboard (one key and my mouse does 50 or 100 clicks, to pander to my OCD :p )

    Though the idea that Lucky Pick is a passive skill, the equivlent of always having a pick is great too, saves me an inventory slot and a skill slot, win, win.
  20. mining

    mining Member

    Oh you.
    FaxCelestis likes this.