Please for the love of our carpal tunnels add a way to separate more than one item per click!

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Aegho, May 28, 2012.

  1. What about changing the lutefisk shrines to require one lutefisk cube offering instead of the lutefisks?
  2. Shadowplay

    Shadowplay Member

    It could be done by making all the shrines inert until a lutefisk cube is placed on them. Then light up the shrine when the cube is on there and let it function like the cube does now.

    Also, reduce the number of required lutefisk to 50-100 or significantly boost the power of the artifacts imo, as well as the no-lockpick idea mentioned earlier in the thread.
  3. SilvasRuin

    SilvasRuin Member

    Whatever else happens, I honestly don't care, I just want a modifier key I can hold to pick up just half a stack from my inventory. That would solve a great majority of my stack woes and would make all the other "solutions" Gaslamp is coming up with tolerable. Sometimes big stacks are accumulated, particularly for crafting-heavy builds who NEED to consolidate space. Whatever happens to lutefisking, I really do want a better way of breaking stacks down.

    Sure, there's a problem with spamming lockpicks for Lutefisk. Or selling them for that matter. That ability definitely needs to change.
    But why the heck are there so many kinds of cheese and meat to grind up if you think the "proper" answer is to remove the cube and not let the excess Vegan-poison be turned into something more useful? Why even have that as an option except as a misguided attempt to save inventory space? Lutefisking is a great mechanic offering a much needed form of recycling other than selling it all, both for meats and cheeses and for items that are only worth a drop in the ocean for the player's floor. I'm not lying when I say I don't care what other "solutions" Gaslamp uses so long as I get a method to split stacks; I'll just shrug it off if Lutefisking is removed. It will be one less thing to be OCD about. But it will make players avoid using the statues until they find one on floor 10 or lower and save up every scrap of lutefisk they come across because you'll have made it effectively finite. Using any less than 500 on a maximum potential Lutefisk statue would be a waste at worst and gamble at best unless there wasn't even 500 lutefisk throughout the dungeon. You'll be nearly destroying one of your neat and rewording gimmicks/collect/fetch quests. I can't help but wonder if that's really what you want to do.
  4. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    I don't know where you're getting the feeling that lutefisking is being removed, it's not. :)
  5. SilvasRuin

    SilvasRuin Member

    That bit was mainly in reply to this post:
  6. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Oh, I see. My bad, didn't remember that from a while ago.
  7. Mr_Strange

    Mr_Strange Member

    I'd like to thank this thread for pointing out to me that I could use lockpicks to feed the lutefish god! Never thought of that myself.
  8. mining

    mining Member

  9. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Well, there was a bit about them "liking it too much" in the text fragment that you quoted, too.

    So no, it's not what they want to do. They see that it's a necessary thing in the game now, but they also see that there are people who farm lockpicks like crazy just to be able to convert them all to lutefisk, which makes the whole thing look rather abusable.
  10. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Anyone can cheat in much easier ways. Want 99999999 lutefisk? You can have that in a few seconds with a memory editor.

    Abusables are all over the place in every game out there. Lockpicks to lutefisk is not even a worthy mention.
  11. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    We are talking about obtaining lutefisk in a quasi-legitimate manner, OmniNegro. So no additional programs other than the game running.
  12. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I could mod in a different number to to lockpick skill. I could mod in an item that spawns a billion of them. I could do many many things like this. (Hell, I could mod every monster to drop lockpicks on death. Or even skip that and make every monster drop lutefisk.)

    The means is irrelevant. Cheating is cheating. If a person wants to have to use a skill every 40 turns for 3 lockpicks and then bother to 'fisk them, then let them. It is hardly abuse. They would have to do that 167 times to get 500 lutefisk. Just the 40 turn cooldown is 6,680 turns for 500 lutefisk.
  13. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Just stop. I know what you want to say, but still, we are talking about achieving it in normal DoD, without any hacks or "cheat" modifications.

    Because it was not about people cheating, but about people having the patience to spawn that many lockpicks. And yes, I know it hardly constitutes abuse, but that wasn't the point to begin with.
  14. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    I'm in favor of reducing the amount required for Lutefisk. And increasing the rewards for it.

    Also, I don't know why putting in 500 lutefisk one at a time would be the ideal way to do it. :eek:
  15. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    As I said before, we're going to eliminate the lockpick spamming ability for 1.1.0. Burglary will just automatically auto-unlock everything; to compensnate for not picking up burglary, you'll find a few more lockpicks on the level.

    So let's stop talking about this.
    Loswaith, mining, Kaidelong and 6 others like this.
  16. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    I rarely get burglary any more because I used it WAY to much in every other build. So I am excited for the news of more lockpicks. I would rather have all doors not-consume the picks since taking damage every now and then to kick them down is much better than not being able to open chests for many levels, but more picks is good too. More experience for other builds to boot :)
  17. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    I've abandoned burglary as well, after I created my crafter's helper mod that includes a recepie for creating lockpicks.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  18. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    That mod is invaluable to anyone. It should be part of the base game. :)
  19. SilvasRuin

    SilvasRuin Member

    Unrelated to lockpicks no longer being abuseable for Lutefisk:
    I'd still like a way to split stacks or to move specific amounts of items. Honestly stack splitting sounds the simplest to me. It shouldn't be that hard to just bind that function to a modifier key like with Alt taking individual things from a stack, right? Holding Ctrl picks up half the stack rounded down or some such?

    I've accumulated multiple stacks of 500 Lutefisk before (without skoling a single lockpick) due to bad luck in finding statues and happening to pick up a great deal of junk I didn't need and wouldn't sell well. Accidentally combining the stacks and then trying not to waste them was un-fun... and I *think* is easy to solve. That said, I'm not a game developer or a programmer, so maybe I'm wrong in this.
  20. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Why not make the alt-click pop a dialogue in which you enter the amount to split off?