Hello guys, since I just had the idea for a lutefisk monk, priest and maybe something else, I wanted to make them able to convert people into lutefisk. Now I've had the lutefisking sword (or however it is called) with multiple of my characters, but I cannot find it in Dredmorpedia. Does anyone know from what mod it is, or how to make an on-hit lutefisking effect?
http://community.gaslampgames.com/threads/faxpax-a-thing-what-fax-made.2397/page-3#post-26903 I searched for "lutefisk sword" and this was one of the results. I checked the itemDB.xml and found this: Code: <item name="Holy Blade of Lutefisking" iconFile="sprites/sword_lutefisk.png" level="1" type="0" artifact="1"> <price amount="100" /> <artifact quality="2" /> <weapon slashing="1" righteous="2" /> <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="40" name="Lutefisking" /> <description text="Seems a little fishy. Smells a little fishy. Is this blade...a scale?" /> </item> Then I checked the spellDB.xml and found this: Code: <spell name="Lutefisking" type="target" icon="sprites/skills/meteo/butcher32.png" wand="0"> <effect type="damage" transmutative="1"/> <effect type="spawnitemfromlist"> <option name="Lutefisk"/> <option name="Lutefisk"/> <option name="Lutefisk"/> <option name="Lutefisk"/> <option name="Lutefisk Scales"/> </effect> <description text="Change your enemies into delishus lootfizk!" /> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/mystic_missile/mystic_missile" frames="4" framerate="90" centerEffect="0" sfx="magic" /> </spell> Any more questions?
Big thanks! Really helped me, did not think of searching the forums >.< Anyway, the work can go on now!
Do your work. Do not wait for approval. He can always decline and we can discuss how to change it to not use his code. (I am pretty sure he will be happy to let you use it.)
Hmm, okay, Priest skilltree is worked on. I got the descriptions almost finished, now for the spells.
Also, can you make zorkmid or lutefisk costs? Like, "for this skill, 10 lutefisk is removed from your inventory"?
For making zorkmid costs, I know the Bankster skill line of the Wizardlands expansion will use this mechanic. I honestly do not recall if this exists yet though. As for lutefisk, I think that currently this is not possible.
Well, I thought and found the gem transmutation. I looked at it and it says Code: <spell name="Gem Transmutation" type="item" downtime="20" consumeItem="1" consumeItemType="gem" icon="skills/rogue/alchemy2_32.png" > <description text="Convert a gem into another more different gem."/> <effect type="spawn" itemname="randomgem"/> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/glintA/glintA" frames="5" framerate="60" sfx="ping" /> </spell> I guess I'll try either "consumeitem="lutefisk"" or "consumeitemtype="misc"" and with the later I would simply tell the players only to use it on lutefisk. The zorkmid costs, I will make a replacement then. Hmm... I planned on making a cleanse based on offering money. Offering gems could work, too...
Ok, I will simply make it itemType="food" since it will simply spawn sliced bread (13 hp), you could take it as "make a little offering to get back more" Also, it will consume 4 food, so anything but lutefisk would be kind of wasted ayway
Hm, cannot make it eat only a specific type of items, it seems. Will have to trust the players on this ^^ Also, it does not seem as if I can set a number on this....
I wish I could help. But I know little of how all that works. I know some of the limitations. You have a solid idea. I am unsure it is really possible though at current.
Frelus; I realize I may be late to the party, but all of the transmutation spells currently consume the entire stack 1:1, so I'm not sure if you can set a 4:1 ratio.
It does not consume anything. It also does not spawn anything. At least that's what I've seen. Well, I'll try something different.
Put the item to spawn in exactly ten times. See if that works. If that manages to fail, copy letter per letter, the exact XML used by another mod to do this and then change out the items for those you want.