Quick Fixes (Skill buffs/nerfs)

Discussion in 'Mod Releases' started by Avathacis, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. Vitellozzo

    Vitellozzo Member

    Here you are.
    Changes for the RotDG dlc are just some posts down.
    Avathacis likes this.
  2. Avathacis

    Avathacis Member

    Thanks. /sobravemode on
  3. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Ah, I see the issue you're referring to, Avathacis. The solution is simple enough: the buff should go away when you are hit or when you attack. Which is really what I was imagining in the first place, I just assumed that whatever counterattack you took after attacking would knock it off. Silly me -- will fix. :)
    Kazeto likes this.
  4. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Congratulations, Avathacis. You just took Essence down in a battle of game balance.
    Essence likes this.
  5. Nacho

    Nacho Member

    I don't have either of those any where in my computer.
  6. Vitellozzo

    Vitellozzo Member

  7. Avathacis

    Avathacis Member

    Sounds like a pretty good start :D.
    Essence and Kazeto like this.
  8. Nacho

    Nacho Member

    PC. My DoD file holds 4 .dats (achievements, collections, magicbox, and wkeys), 2 .txts (hiscores and last), 1 xml (config), 24 save folders, and 2 folders for mods (one I made and one for the steam workshop subscriptions).

    Attached Files:

  9. Rakankrad

    Rakankrad Member

    If you're using steam, look here: Steam\SteamApps\common\dungeons of dredmor
  10. Nacho

    Nacho Member

    Thank you kindly, I got it.