Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Feb 27, 2015.

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  1. I noticed that's not a spinning mule thing alone: it also applies to the workbench in the textile worshop...
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Should be fixed for the next patch.
    Alianin likes this.
  3. Le Manticore

    Le Manticore Member

    *Two Colonists got stuck after trying to bury bandits and eventually starved to death.
    *Jobs being dropped randomly
    * Conflict music doesn't always kick in when there is a fight on
    *crash when I tried to save and quit.

    It's kind of easy to survive as a small colony just based on empire/prestige drops of resources at the moment, not really any incentive to go out and find my own resources.
    Cult activity seems to be non existent -couple of creepy crops but that's it. Also I let the communists spread their propaganda but nothing seemed to eventuate

    Does run way more smoothly now though so yay!

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  4. Le Manticore

    Le Manticore Member

    Cannot upload save files or console because they are too large for the server to process apparently. Just tried attaching them individually but no luck :(
  5. Alianin

    Alianin Member

    After freeing my latest colonist from being stuck inside a cot and almost starving, he's now walking through several building's walls as if they weren't there.
  6. Ok, I love you and your game. I know that there's this new mechanic of exploding things in the stockpiles (mines and combat supplies), and I know that if a fishperson throws a bomb into a stockpile full of explosives, well, maybe BOOM? But, I just witnessed an aerial supplie on a stockpile. And then BOOM! I got two new big creaters and lost things! It's beatiful! :D :D (I'm not joking, I reall find this thing amusing!)
    But that leads me to ask you if you could make a way to signal a "supplie zone" where the airship shuold aim the incoming supplies. So that an organized colony can avoid to have big creates full of stuff drop on the head of the colonists and on preciuos and dangerous explosives. Since I can't really put them in a safe place... stupid colonists!

    Little update: it happened again with another air drop... I finally resolved to place the last two mines to avoid other unwanted explosions... I lost two precious iron plates in the last incident D:
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2015
    Samut likes this.
  7. Samut

    Samut Member

    This is a great idea.
  8. Ok, I think you already know the "bug" that happens when you try to meve the modules while you're building a workshop. Well, let's just say that I wanted to move a smithing forge because I didn't like how the positioning turned out. I couldn't put it in a "right" spot in the building, and put it aoutside... well I didn't expect my coloninsts to, nonetheless build it and use it!! At this point I can make a workshop "an plaine air" !!

    Also, the workshop turned trasparent beacuse I-don't-know-why. It usually happens when I load a game with a building in costruction... It also happened to the refinery next to it... The only way to open the workshop meno is to click on the brick base of the workshop

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  9. ok, that's some crude, black irony: losing an Aristocrat because he's stuck in a gravestoe while buring some bandits... He will die directly in the graveyard, just ready to be buried...

    he's dead.

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    Last edited: Mar 7, 2015
    Rahbek23 likes this.
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