Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, May 13, 2015.

  1. Sethiusdraven

    Sethiusdraven Member

    Something that's been in since saves began: when saving with rally or flatten terrain *golden exclamation points* after load, points stay after being completed/moved.
    AutoSaves: Request that Autosave point be every other day at point of 2/3rds of the way during the Night when most everyone is asleep and jobless.
    Request: perhaps in cults screen - interaction with fishpeople - to be able to change standing orders of let em be to let em have it!
    Stress test - 80 people told em to cut down/mine/clear everything 3 full screens in every direction from village. Held up for the most part, lagged somewhat but not to point of screeching halt - unable to complete (was 4th or 5th load of game) and each time a save was tried it collapsed. Believe that jobs would have been completed and all resources returned to town if I could have turned off autosave and just let it roll for about ... I think it would've taken 10-15 days to finish all the jobs I put down for them.
    ^^^excellent job on improvements, all previous builds I would have never tried such a thing.
    (dmp 1 regular)(dmp 2 attempt to tell all citizens no woodcutting)(dmp 3 all workshop jobs closed, every citizen no wc/mine/farm)replay=dmp 3

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    Samut likes this.
  2. Sethiusdraven

    Sethiusdraven Member

    twice this has happened, this time caught it in the act and gathered proper intel for you:

    Citizen (or soldier) haul something invisible; unable to drop; wander about; upon death (starvation or frontier justice) inivisible item causes full freeze / crash
    replay - happens within the last day of replay
    (also noticed - when large quantities of items are to be hauled back to stockpile, a few are left abandonded, lost in the system).

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