Roll up for the great community colony experiement!

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by mailersmate, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member

    The save from the person before me has one on the current site of the middle class house.
  2. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Found it!
  3. FIbinachi

    FIbinachi Member

    Good thing Streaky Haddock's here to make up for my embezzling ways. I completely forgot about the gabions. I set those out, precisely to mark off the graveyard for animals. It just felt like the proper thing to do, along with adding some light fixtures.

    I can offer more information about Very Greedy Bandits. It appears to only be one group, and it's consistent from Razrien's save. If you get Massive Bandit Raid after that and allow them to take your stuff, then one of the bandit groups will continue a cycle of going into town, taking an item, walking out of town, and coming back to take another item. With 3-4 bandits, that's a lot of items being displaced per day and you can't stop them until another group of bandits spawn on the map and you tell your soldiers to execute anyone they see. If it's just an individual gang coming into town, they'll grab stuff if you let them but only once.

    Along with Guy Maple's mini adventure up there, it appears to be some underlying issue in the ownership assignments of items after they're taking from the stockpile or moved. They still belong to the colony, so colonists will wander very, very far to drop items into the containers (like clay) sometimes and alternatively the bandits aren't satisfying their requirements for "stealing loot" after a Massive Bandit Raid event.

    Also great writing people, I forgot to mention I got a few chuckles out of reading through this thread :)
  4. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    So whose turn is it now?
  5. mrclint

    mrclint Member

    My name is mentioned a couple of times. But I work late this week and live in Sweden, so it's time to go to bed and uuuuh some hours between us.
  6. FIbinachi

    FIbinachi Member

    Alephred if we start over and go through the list once more., as per the rota.
  7. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    I'm in the middle of my monthly 4 episode Clockwork Empires YouTube Revision Review (hm, that's a pretty catchy name), and it might not seem that way, but those things are deceptively time-consuming. I can't commit to another turn for a couple of days, optimistically. Sorry!

    I do have a suggestion, though, since we've completed one full round, maybe the Devs could take a turn or two?
  8. Mikel

    Mikel Waiting On Paperwork From The Ministry. Forever.

    And risk revealing inside knowledge? :)
  9. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    I like the Devs idea, but if they can't do it I think I'm up. It'll be about 5 hours before I can get started.
  10. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    Day 19
    Unknown forces have conspired to return me to New Antipodia, from which I had heroically departed less than a fortnight ago. I can't comprehend how or why this happened, but it's best not to dwell on such minutiae.

    The first thing I notice is the Stahlmarkian soldier standing stiff-as-statue in the middle of our colony, never so much as twitching a finger. The other colonists don't seem to even acknowledge him at all, likely used to the novelty by now. Perhaps they've invented some sort of Clockwork man who has used up his steam supply.

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    I believe some of these strange occurrences may have something to do with the artifacts in our possession, so I've taken the liberty of planning to build a laboratory, for the sake of science. As we know, science solves all problems. I set an order for iron plates from the metalworks.

    Unfortunately we don't have enough glass to create an impressive laboratory. But great power is born from humble beginnings! I've decided to build it in my own profile as seen from above, so that all passing airships will be reminded of my great scientific achievements here.

    Day 20

    Bandits continue to pilfer our supplies in droves. This simply cannot continue. I've written a stern letter to the empire requesting permission to break all outdated treaties and attack. In most cases, that duty would fall upon me, but in the very slim chance the enemy finds me and I can't fend them off personally, it's imperative I stay alive. So if the empire approves my request I will call out the order to the men as my airship departs.

    August Mud has become interested in his genealogy. I'm fond of the Mud family, they can find the most creative uses for a beetle carapace.

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    While passing the time, I take the opportunity to visit my delightfully murderous friend, NCO Steelwright. It seems he finds himself succumbing to the hardships of colony life, and now spends most of his off-hours wallowing in his favorite shrubbery. His upper lip needs a ripe stiffening I'd wager.

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    I've just been told that Titus Tack, intrepid adventurer, has been trapped inside the belly of a beetle for several days! I pray he can find away to kill the beast from the inside and stave off hunger.

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    I end the day by ordering a pumpkin farm. I have no reason other than I desire the taste.

    Day 21

    At last our glorious laboratory is complete! I marvel at all the wonders it will produce. I quickly assign Agamemnon Chainson as chief scientist. He has an affinity for Fish Fellows, and constantly talks about wanting to start a new organization dedicated to their study. I have no doubt he's the perfect man of science.

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    Titus Tack has perished. It was a good death, swallowed by a giant beetle. That's how my father went.

    Curses! We still need more copper to finish up the macroscope. And Cogs! How can I forget about Cogs! Well, that's it. I give up. I'm just going to lay back in my bunk, read a good novel, and forget I was ever willingly forced to accept this position. I pray my successor can finish my great laboratory project. Science is waiting...

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    Last edited: Jul 28, 2015
    razrien likes this.
  11. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    I've posted up Episode 2 of my monthly Clockwork Empires YouTube thing, starting with some video of the colony and a quick recap, along with a link to this forum thread.
  12. razrien

    razrien Member

    Turn ???
    Days 22-24

    Day 22

    I woke up in a drunken stupor, cogs clanging together in my head as one of the workers chattered excitedly about science and thrusting the daily work orders into my hand.
    Ugh. Lets have a look.


    Not as bad as I was expecting.
    The colony is actually in pretty decent shape, despite the odd changes in management every few days.
    I noticed we have ore laying everywhere, but no ingots. We had a few sad pieces of coal laying about, but that won't do at all. I ordered an arseload of coal to be made, as well as giving orders to finally smelt all this ore we seem to be collecting.
    I noticed a sea of wheat, and so many bags of the stuff that I was tripping over it, all without a single cabbage to be found. Heresy!
    I ordered one of the wheat fields turned to cabbage, as well as more foraging overall. I wasn't very comfortable with the state of our food stores.
    We had enough to last us perhaps a day or two at best. Not on my watch!
    An odd paper was written about the colony.. though i'm not sure what they were rambling about


    Day 23

    3 laborers made thier way into the colony. Shortly after we recieved a message from the Empire itself.

    50 colonists! Huzzah!
    Time to celeb-


    "What the hell? Who are you?"
    "Uh.. the other guy said it was okay.."

    Several colonists looked at each other and back to me, shrugging.
    Odd.. but whatever. I suppose one guy just taking one thing isn't so b-


    In other news, we're doing so well that the Empire asked me who i'd like to contract for a bit.
    I chose a naturalist. I've heard they do good work, and it'd be helpful to know exactly where we can find th-



    Day 24

    The naturalist worked far more effeciently than i'd ever imagined, finding several nodes of sulfur and copper hidden beneath the surface.
    I took the liberty of setting plans for small mines on top of these plots so we can dig them out later.
    I also found a couple nice sand dunes along the beach. Perhaps now we can get some glass going, to help finish out our laboratory.
    The old flax field seemed to be barren, and no one was clearing out the old crops for some reason, so I had fresh planted. We'll need it later on, if we ever want to get a proper bunkhouse for all the workers.
    6 cots for 30 something citizens just ain't cutting it.
    Its becoming hard to work in the wilds with so many bandits about. Our workers keep fleeing back to the colony from the near constant stream of bandits just taking what they please.

    The day ended on a fair note, with a small envoy of fish folk bearing gifts.

    Just.. set that over there.


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    Last edited: Jul 28, 2015
    Unforked likes this.
  13. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member

    Hey folks

    I've been getting increasingly ill over the week so I'm going to pass on my turn. Which means that Fibinachi is next up.

    Unitl I'm feeling better I'll continue to update the info thread and keep track of the current turn / save file

    I've pm'd the next player. If there's no response by roughly this time tomorrow the save needs to go to Streaky Haddock.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2015
  14. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member

    OK, no apparent activity from Fibinachi.

    I suggest that Streaky Haddock takes the next turn.
  15. what are you GONNA MAKE ME?!
  16. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member

    not at all. I'll just chuck you off the list if you don't do exactly what I say.
  17. okay! OKAY! FINE! Cog damnit you wouldn't see this behaviour from the lower classes in the Homeland!
  18. are we going for r41b or r41c
  19. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Stay on the stable branch! Don't deviate! (For one thing, 41C will probably asplode the save.)
  20. but i want a barracksssssss