Wait, you mean the tinkering only affects the backblast, not the impact? Hitting something with that is nigh ridiculously unlikely, and it does dick all damage anyway. I'm totally cool with the way Rocket Jump is scaled though.
I highly recommend against trying fully power the Aetheric Death Ray. I think the amount of levels you put into wand lore just isn't worth the extra effort. Though I do think Wand Lore is a pretty worthless skill tree. For that 5 you only get an extra 25 which sounds nice but the skill needs a lot of mana, takes 11 levels to reach that point, and has a 5% chance to destroy your remaining mana for a while, prevents casting for 30 turns, and hurts you. You can't relay of the death ray as a viable strategy for dealing with difficult monsters. Though if you have absolutely no use for mana and no other spells it can be a nice missile attack to slightly weaken a monster. On the other hand Baromatic Vortex upgrade is amazing and is worth powering up. The extra 6 from tinkering, which is an amazing skill tree, adds an extra 36 twice and an extra 30 twice! It does some AOE and does unresistable knock-back. The 90 turns cool down makes it really only useable once per group of monsters.
I second this. Powered by tinkering Baromatic Vortex is one of the most badass skills in the game and the first skill (baromatic projector? something like that.) is nothing to snuff at either. Clockwork Knight skills don't really scale with tinkering though they are still enhanced by the ability to make sweet clockwork gear. Much of the selfdamage from Rocket Jump and Charge of the Steam Brigade can be offset by clockwork armors.
I've been messing around with a silly synergized build of Wand Lore, Alchemy, Smithing, Tinkering, Clockwork Knight, Rogue Scientist, and some other skill, usually Archery. Since I always play on Going Rogue with Permadeath on, I find the first floor to be the most challenging. Oh and bag space sucks with this build when all your recipes are 1 material short.
Unless you chose Wand Lore for the wands themselves, it's not really worth it to take the skill just to power up the final Rogue Scientist attack. There are less long-term and more valuable choices than that.
Going Rogue Unarmed Artful Dodger Perception Archaeology Tinkering Rogue Scientist War Weaver I had my doubts at first, but this build rocks. It is a dodging archery build. Unarmed powers up crossbow with an extra 12 damage plus tons of passive stat boost. It also gives 2 knock-back abilities. Tinkering with rogue scientist and perception gives you an unlimited amount of bolts. The ability to make a clockwork rail launcher early game is also nice. Unarmed+Artful dodger+Perception gives you huge amount of and . By end game I was dodging 99% of all melee. Perception lets you see your enemies and snipe them from far away. Rogue Scientist has two ability that scale with which also cause un-resistible knock-back and the ability to make healing potions. I took War weaver wasn't the best idea but it gave +10 to all primary stats and 50% chance to stun any enemy that hit me. I kept a lot of item that raised my max to abuse war weaver as much as I can. I never had more than 10 mana the entire game. Dragonfire Aspirant, Piracy, or Ninjistu would have been better choices. Edit: Whelp I was about to kill Dreadmor but my game crashes whenever I try to enter Floor 15, so I guess this is the end of line for this build. Pretty much the only way Dreadmor could have hurt me is by Thor's Fulminaric Bolt, so I think could have taken him. When I started this build I was worried that I didn't have enough teleport but when you reach the ~60 dodge rate and ~40 counter rate most things you can avoid attack reliably enough that you don't need teleport. The biggest draw back of this build is that until you max dodge, unarmed, get halfway through perception, and can somehow get to 6-7 tinkering you pretty much always about to die or run out of supplies. This build needs to rush to level 15 as quickly as possible. In the end it was worth it because this might be the most powerful build I have ever had. My ranged was pretty powerful and I had enough bolts to kill pretty much every monster in the game but because nothing could melee me I would just pound on thing to save on supplies.
I was noticing the same thing on my "max dodge" character - when I hit 70% dodge or so I seemed to be dodging 90%+ of all attacks... I wonder if lower-level foes have a penalty to which effectively adds 10 or 20 points of ?
I am all about the random builds lately. h My latest Random Build (GR-PD-NTTG) Archery Fleshsmithing Pyromancy Wand Lore Black Smithing Rogue Scientist Warlockery You would think it is garbage, but... I am totally loving it. Zombies made low levels cake + gave me time to build up Rogue Scientist (maxed) and Wands. The Rogue scientist makes ooze for alchem for the meatwands (haven't found an alchemy set yet however) and high level wand crafting plus the bonus from Rogue scientist means wands do really decent damage.
I don't think so, because I'm have a ~20% chance of missing a blink bat with 44 and they only have 33 .
What I meant was that low-level foes have a less than 100% chance to hit you initially - effectively boosting player stats by 20 or so. That would explain why I stopped getting hit around 75, instead of still getting hit 1 time out of 4, as I would have expected.
Maybe but I am saying that my character still misses enemies with decent even with superior . I think the game gives a lot of more weight to than , which is fine by me. edit: On a side note I am still in love with this build. Here is me at floor 8.
War Weaver doesn't specifically give buffs to ranged, but it does offer some damage and some mega MP boosting skills.
Awwww..... Oh well I still melee quite a bit. I'll would really like the paralyze proc and gog's tactical pyro proc.
The gog's one is when you get hit, amusingly enough, same with the paralyze proc. I'll think about Woven Sheath affecting all types of attacks, but I kind of like it melee only.
Yeah War Weaver wasn't the best for this build but it still was helpful. I maxed out rainbow weave giving me about an extra 30 and 5 which was nice. I also maxed the complex weave so it gave me 10 and if something did ever hit me it had the 49% of being paralyzed. Then I also max the first weave for power up my procs. I spent nearly the whole game with 0 max . Unfortunately my game crashes when I try to enter floor 15, so I never the game.
Crossbow's damage Bolts' damage Bonus damage from non-weapon things (if you had a ring with +2 conflagratory damage, it would be added)