Sorry I didn't get that feedback to you earlier. Last minute stuff pertaining to YHTNTEP and Steam Workshop kinda nuked my ability to play with mods for a while. I was sitting on most of that feedback for at least two weeks, and just never got around to posting it to you.
It's possible your updated version has a bug in the part of clown combat that procs when the player is hit. I just updated, started a new character, and crashed to the desktop the first time I got hit after my first level-up (which was clown combat).
I believe I found the problem. I had tested it, and then changed the hit animation used for the custard pie proc. I hadn't changed the number of frames, the old one had 8, the new one had 5. Fixed! (updating original post after posting this, look for 0.3.3).
The skill now has its own custom skill icon. Also now published on the workshop. Oh and could I get the title on the original post to replace [ALPHA] with [SKILL] ?