[Skill] Clutch of Midas

Discussion in 'Modding' started by FaxCelestis, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks


    Clutch of Midas is a warrior skill focused around turning your opponents into piles of gold. v0.3 can be downloaded from here.

    [​IMG] Blood of Kings: In your blood flows the blood of kings!

    [​IMG] Body of Gold: Your body consists of mostly gold. While a pliable metal, it's certainly more durable than regular flesh. It is, however, somewhat more conductive and harder to move.

    [​IMG] The Bad Touch: You and me baby ain't nothin' but metals, so let's turn you into something I can sell for a kettle.

    [​IMG] Lead Into Gold: Contrary to popular belief, you can turn more than lead into gold.

    [​IMG] The Worse Touch: You and me baby ain't nothin' but gold, so let's oh screw it MONEYYYYY

    [​IMG] Body of Molten Gold: Your body glows with terrible molten energies.

    [​IMG] Cashblast: You understand the truth of the universe: that all creatures can be bled for money!
    Razarus, ChristmasAsen and Essence like this.
  2. I kinda like the idea of having more and more money..and transmute powers. I love to transmute stuff XD
  3. DaVici

    DaVici Member

    This is really nice. I think I think I saw a discussion in another thread about this? Was it a discussion about a merchant class? Anyways, great idea! :D
  4. Onamar

    Onamar Member

    Looks cool, I'll have to try it out after I'm done with my current character.
  5. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    4 things:

    1) Looks sweet, have downloaded, will probably use this on my next Modventure.
    2) Does it really work to put "mod/X/X/X.png" for your various icons? I've never had the 'mod' folder listed, I always just put "X/X/X.png".
    3) You started with a copy of one of my skill.xml files, didn't you? :p
    4) Very thorough and conscientious of you to put every icon and sprite into the mod folder, just in case someone didn't already have them in the main game. I'll have to do that to my mods sometime...


    Oh, and <Uncle voice> one moar thing! </uncle voice>

    ...please could you please save in ZIP format and without a second folder inside? Just put the mod, sprites, etc. folders directly into a ZIP file with the name of the mod on it, and it should work for everyone without having to unRAR or do anything else to the files. :)

    Thank you!
  6. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    2. If you have that path, yes. I had issues with monsters not showing up when I didn't include /mod/, so I just add that for everything now.
    3. I did, yes. I have your QiGong/Poisoneer mod, so I just used that as a template.
    4 is a matter of completeness' sake.

    And from now on, I'll do that zip thing.


    I'm having an issue with the Lead Into Gold ability. As of right now, it consumes an item and doesn't spit anything out. It should consume a reagent and spit out native gold. Here's the code:

      <spell name="Lead Into Gold" type="item" downtime="20" consumeItem="1" consumeItemType="reagent" icon="mod/skills/warrior/skill_antiques_dealer2_32.png" >
      <description text="Convert things into BEAUTIFUL GOLD."/>
      <effect type="spawn" itemname="Native Gold" amount="1"/>
      <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/glintA/glintA" frames="5" framerate="60" sfx="ping" />
    For comparison, here's the Gem Transmutationer and Spore Stash abilities:
      <spell name="Gem Transmutation" type="item" downtime="20" consumeItem="1" consumeItemType="gem"  icon="skills/rogue/alchemy2_32.png" >
      <description text="Convert a gem into another more different gem."/>
      <effect type="spawn" itemname="randomgem"/>
      <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/glintA/glintA" frames="5" framerate="60" sfx="ping" />
    <spell name="Spore Stash" type="self" downtime="32" icon="skills/rogue/skill_mushroom_lore2_32.png">
      <description text="Get a spore to use for planting. You don't want to know where from."/>
      <effect type="spawn" itemname="Mushroom Spores" amount="1"/>
      <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/glintA/glintA" frames="5" framerate="60" sfx="ping" />
    Theoretically, they do the same thing. But they work, while Lead Into Gold doesn't.
  7. Your description for Lead into Gold isn't "convert things into BEAUTIFUL GOLD." It's "Contrary to popular belief, you can turn more than lead into gold." but besides that.. I have no clue why it isn't working.
  8. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    A little bit of rebalancing, and some (fruitless) attempts to fix Lead Into Gold. New version here. As of right now, the Lead Into Gold ability just gives you a level in Alchemy and some stat mods. C'est la vie.
  9. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    I suggest you edit out your first post with the correct link too :)
  10. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Have you tried spawnitematlocation instead of spawn?
  11. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

      <spell name="Lead Into Gold" type="item" downtime="1" consumeItem="1" consumeItemType="reagent" icon="mod/skills/warrior/skill_antiques_dealer2_32.png">
      <description text="Turn things into BEAUTIFUL GOLD!."/>
        <effect type="spawnitemfromlist">
        <option name="Native Gold"/>
        <option name="Gold Ingot"/>
        <option name="Gold Ring"/>   
      <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/glintA/glintA" frames="5" framerate="60" sfx="ping" />
    This creates the items at the player's feet, but doesn't consume anything, which is sort of the opposite problem.
  12. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Thanks to some help from J-Factor, I have a working workaround. Lead Into Gold now works, but be warned in that it can eat anything.

    New upload link is here, updating top post as well.
    DaVici likes this.
  13. Austupaio

    Austupaio Member

    Works well, you can end up with a truly obscene amount of gold but gold isn't really all that useful, so it works.
  14. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Yeah. In my opinion, the biggest benefit of Lead Into Gold is that tasty +1 Alchemy.

    Also, Austupaio, how satisfied are you with the Midas proc rate? it's at 20% for Bad Touch with an additional 30% chance on Worse Touch.
  15. Austupaio

    Austupaio Member

    Feels just about right to me. This is actually one of my favourite skill sets.
  16. Archiez

    Archiez Member

    file temporary unabailable can you put up another link Q_Q
  17. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Here you go.

    Attached Files:

    DaVici likes this.
  18. Archiez

    Archiez Member

    awesome fast reply"" Now i get to try out my money pirate tank build
  19. Gargroyal

    Gargroyal Member

    I love this skill, if you use the Lead into Gold with the ability that makes picklocks (in Burglary), you technically have infinite gold, though it'll take a while. And the last ability really helps if I'm in a pinch. Any specific skills that you think this works well with?
  20. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    I made 20k on Floors 1 and 2 from turning items(worth less than 100 zorkmids) into gold ingots. Hope that doesn't get nerfed since Diptheria/Wildfire/Pox Vials were taken away from Clutch of Midas. Bankster could probably do a similar fashion, but would lose all of my zorkmids from bankster debuffs.