So for glow in the dark, since you are actually glowing, wouldn't it make since to take a hit in sneakiness. this out of beta yet? Did we decide that a 4-turn cooldown rook teleport with no drawback was actually appropriate for a 2nd-level skill? I'm just going through the Warrior mods looking for Community Skills Guide material, and this one looks like it could be good, but it still says [beta] and the post right above mine suggests it's not done yet. Aegho?
I never managed to iron out all the bugs in the glow in the dark ability, I had some ideas of how to do it at some point, just before I stoped playing/modding because I got distracted by another game. So yeah it's not out of beta.
This is now nicely get-around-able by having <effect type="teleport" skipFX="1">, for example. So...what are the bugs with Glow In The Dark?
That's cake! Rather than using an <effect type="dot" amount="-1">, just have it trigger itself every turn in spell form. To wit: Code: <spellDB> <!-- Level 2: Frog Legs --> <spell name="Teleport Back One" type="template" templateID="629" anchored="1" noanimation="1" > <effect type="teleport" skipanimation="1" /> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/null" frames="1" firstframe="0" framerate="100" centerEffect="0"/> </spell> <spell name="Froggy Teleport" type="beammissile"> <effect type="teleport" skipanimation="1"/> <effect type="trigger" spell="Teleport Back One"/> </spell> <spell name="Frog Leap" type="rook" downtime="4" icon="skills/rogue/leap32.png" wand="0" noanimation="1"> <effect type="trigger" spell="Froggy Teleport"/> <description text="Make like a frog."/> </spell> <!-- Level 3: Embarrassing Growths --> <spell name="Prickly Defense" type="target" icon="skills/rogue/skill_lockpicking2_32.png"> <description text="Those embarassing growths are useful sometimes."/> <effect type="damage" piercing="2" piercingF="0.2" primaryscale="3"/> </spell> <!-- Level 4: Mutant Metabolism --> <spell name="Fresh Meal" type="self" icon="skills/rogue/leap64.png" wand="0"> <effect type="heal" amount="0" amountF="0.10" secondaryScale="0"/> </spell> <spell name="Eat Corpse" type="targetadjacentcorpse" downtime="17" icon="skills/spells/unholy_warcry32.png"> <description text="You like to partake in the occasional long pork."/> <effect type="trigger" spell="Fresh Meal"/> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/impactA/impactA" frames="6" framerate="60" sfx="blast" centerEffect="0"/> </spell> <!-- Level 5: Unhealthy Glow --> <spell name="Radiate" type="template" templateID="20" anchored="1" icon="skills/aetherweaver32.png"> <description text="Radiation hurts."/> <!-- Gotta have an anim on every template effect or it won't work --> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/glintA/glintA" frames="5" framerate="60" centerEffect="0"/> <effect type="damage" aetherealF="0.35" primaryScale="0"/> </spell> <spell name="Radiation Loop" type="self"> <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Unhealthy Glow" spell="Radiate"/> <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Unhealthy Glow" amount="2" spell="Radiation Loop"/> </spell> <spell name="Unhealthy Glow" type="self" icon="skills/aetherweaver32.png" noanimation="1"> <description text="You've absorbed so much radiation that you glow in the dark. CAUTION: REMOVE BEFORE APPROACHING BRAX!"/> <buff useTimer="0" removable="1" bad="0" stacksize="1" allowStacking="0" icon="skills/aetherweaver64.png" smallicon="skills/aetherweaver32.png"> <halo name="sprites/sfx/hero_glow/hero_glow" framerate="300" first="0" num="3"/> <secondarybuff id="18" amount="1"/> <!-- sight --> </buff> </spell> </spellDB> I've turned Frog Legs into a beammissile rook spell, and made Unhealthy Glow work properly. The only questions I have now are: 1) Is Frog Legs really appropriate at 2nd level? 2) Is Corpse Eating really supposed to restore ten percent of your maxHP? That's a HUGE heal, especially considering that you don't have to give up eating food (as per Vampirism) to get it. 3) Consider tuning down Radiate's damage. You've got Prickly Growths that scales to a primary stat just like radiate, but it only has 60% as much scaling, only goes off when you get attacked (rather than automatically all the time), and only goes of 80% of the time when attacked, and is of a damage type that many monsters resist fairly strongly -- and it's balanced. Two more class levels upward doesn't quite justify all of the other bennies that Radiate has over it's little brother. But that's all up to you -- either way, I'mma playtest it when you say it's good, and assuming it's not game-breakingly awesome, I'd like to list it in the Community Skills Guide.
I did extensive playtesting of this... balance wise, this tree isn't going to make any character OP for including it. There's no big oomph like some other trees get, it gives some decent boosts, but it's never spectacular. The corpse eating may look good on paper, but it's fairly underwhelming in practice, it's going to amount to basic health potion heal power in the very endgame. Sure it's "free", but it's rarely ever going to save your butt, just save you some resources. Even radiate isn't all that wow-powerful in the long run, sure you can kite-kill if you've got the patience, but for everyday use... you won't notice it that much past floor 6 or so, other than the neat-o false-wall-destruction. As for frog legs... maybe not, but it has its limitations. To be completely honest I just like having early accessible teleport, as I go bonkers without it, and it's no fun dedicating your first 4-5 levelups to chasing down teleport, to the exclusion of all else.
Found some errors in playtesting: Code: <spellDB> <!-- Level 2: Frog Legs --> <spell name="Teleport Back One" type="template" templateID="629" anchored="1" noanimation="1" > <effect type="teleport" skipanimation="1" /> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/null" frames="1" firstframe="0" framerate="100" centerEffect="0"/> </spell> <spell name="Froggy Teleport" type="missile"> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/null" frames="1" firstframe="0" framerate="120" sfx="cartoon bamf of smoke" centerEffect="0"/> <effect type="teleport" skipanimation="1"/> <effect type="trigger" spell="Teleport Back One"/> </spell> <spell name="Frog Leap" type="rook" downtime="4" icon="skills/rogue/leap32.png" wand="0" noanimation="1"> <effect type="trigger" spell="Froggy Teleport"/> <description text="Make like a frog."/> </spell> <!-- Level 3: Embarrassing Growths --> <spell name="Prickly Defense" type="target" icon="skills/rogue/skill_lockpicking2_32.png"> <description text="Those embarassing growths are useful sometimes."/> <effect type="damage" piercing="2" piercingF="0.2" primaryscale="3"/> </spell> <!-- Level 4: Mutant Metabolism --> <spell name="Fresh Meal" type="self" icon="skills/rogue/leap64.png" wand="0"> <effect type="heal" amount="0" amountF="0.10" secondaryScale="0"/> </spell> <spell name="Eat Corpse" type="targetadjacentcorpse" downtime="17" icon="skills/spells/unholy_warcry32.png"> <description text="You like to partake in the occasional long pork."/> <effect type="trigger" spell="Fresh Meal"/> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/impactA/impactA" frames="6" framerate="60" sfx="blast" centerEffect="0"/> </spell> <!-- Level 5: Unhealthy Glow --> <spell name="Radiate" type="template" templateID="20" anchored="1" icon="skills/aetherweaver32.png"> <description text="Radiation hurts."/> <!-- Gotta have an anim on every template effect or it won't work --> <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/null" frames="1" firstframe="0" framerate="120" centerEffect="0"/> <effect type="damage" aetherealF="0.35" primaryScale="0"/> </spell> <spell name="Radiation Loop" type="self"> <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Unhealthy Glow" spell="Radiate"/> <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Unhealthy Glow" amount="2" spell="Radiation Loop"/> </spell> <spell name="Unhealthy Glow" type="self" icon="skills/aetherweaver32.png" noanimation="1"> <description text="You've absorbed so much radiation that you glow in the dark. CAUTION: REMOVE BEFORE APPROACHING BRAX!"/> <buff useTimer="0" removable="1" bad="0" stacksize="1" allowStacking="0" icon="skills/aetherweaver64.png" smallicon="skills/aetherweaver32.png"> <halo name="sprites/sfx/hero_glow/hero_glow" framerate="300" first="0" num="3"/> <effect type="trigger" spell="Radiation Loop"/> <secondarybuff id="18" amount="1"/> <!-- sight --> </buff> </spell> </spellDB> Fixd.
Glow in the Dark is unbalancable. Broken as hell. I just kited a Chest of Evil mob to death without taking a single point of damage just by walking around the room a few times. Every step I took, it took 8 damage as it followed.