What games are you playing and why?

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by OmniaNigrum, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. HenrySpock

    HenrySpock Member

    This made me laugh a bit louder than I should have considering the proximity of bedroom layouts in this apartment building.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  2. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    Over the past few weeks:

    Shaun White's Skateboarding
    Oh, shut up. It's crap, I know. For a game that relies on complex control movements, it's sure unresponsive. But at the same time, I've enjoyed having my own character to create. The flow mechanic is so ridiculously unbalanced, though, and for some reason playing it cramps my hands like there's no tomorrow. Think I only paid £2.50 for the Ubisoft exclusive deluxe edition, though, so I shouldn't complain too much.

    Mass Effect 3
    Well... yeah. I got the digital deluxe on the 50% off the reduced price sale they have (so £17.50 for me, reduced from £35 which itself was reduced from £55), and to be brutally honest considering the corners BioWare have cut and the lack of real PC support (restricted graphics options, low textures, etc) I think £17.50 is a fair price. They've improved over Mass Effect 2 in various ways, but I think - sadly - ME2 will remain the pinnacle despite all of its many flaws. About 8hrs in (including touching on some of the DLC), and I can't see myself rushing to finish it. The MP is surprisingly robust, though, but not perfect.

    Trine 2
    Small Swedish studio makes indie game that is of higher quality and charm than most major studios. That's all I need to say. Oh, I should say Trine 2 is one of the prettiest games to have ever been made. Bet the puzzles will wind me up something rotten, though.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  3. Mashirafen

    Mashirafen Member

    The Nameless Mod for Deus Ex, because everybody loves Deus Ex but I just (read: in January) finished it a year and a half after I started it. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll have TNM finished before the end of next year.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  4. Hybelkanin

    Hybelkanin Member

    I'm playing Tropico 4: Modern Times and there's not one thing you can do to stop me. Eat it.
    Also, I've played a whole lot of Terraria online with a good friend.
    Then, new run on Skyrim. I have a new gpu since last, so its hard to keep my pants on while playing.
    Between all that I play Dungeons of Dredmor, Wizardlands. I've lost a few characters already after writing down wizardland codes and entering them from the pocken dimension, but I seem to have found a glitch in the matrix on my current character. The trick is to not write them down to avoid the wizardlands of evil clones that will most assured kill you, should you be stupid enough to try and enter!
    OmniNegro likes this.
  5. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    Eye lasers plus rocket punch helps you kill them as early as level 7-8. :p They've given up thousands of xp for me during exploration now since I figured that out. After I got the clockwork rail launcher they got owned in about two arrows flat.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  6. Hybelkanin

    Hybelkanin Member

    Warlock, I accuse you of mindreading! (For Political Correctness! I am reffering to the fact that I too chose to go with Perception up to lasers, also, rocket punch has saved the day a number of times, rocket jump saved me once, although it nearly killed me, and the capstone I used one, and never again , holy crap... It did NOT save me, BE WARY using Clockwork Knights capstone!).)

    My current build is a rogue with perception (maxed asap for lazer and loot!), then various sneaky skills. I went with Dagger, Dualwielding, Archeology, Fleshsmithing, Tinkering, Clockwork Knights, and, stuff.

    Its working out, altho I'm very much starting to hate not having a high damage ranged nuke as I breach dungeon level 7+
    OmniNegro likes this.
  7. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    I have a hilariously broken set of equipment simply acquired while exploring DL1 wizardlands and crafting during my off hours. A circinated silver shield, some armored mage robes (to be turned into armored archmage once I gain my next level), a staff of godewijn, a stupid good AV14 Window of Elements, an out-Kronged AV14 randart ring (was AV14 before the Krongings began) and a Shrike's ring from a fountain being the standouts. The rest are mostly good randarts.

    edit: and also the aforementioned Clockwork rail launcher, plus 90 hand grenades and enough materials to make several hundred brimstone flasks once I get alchemy 4. I'm going to work on sawblades after that. :p

    belated edit: I am Gishman, terror of unfortunate DL1 (and DL2) enemies!!1!11!1!!11!
    OmniNegro likes this.
  8. Createx

    Createx Member

    I'm currently in the silliness of Saints Row 3 again. That game is seriously brilliant, it's packed with crazy ideas :D Call airstrikes onto enemies, go streaking in the public... I was just sold as a sex slave and awoke completely naked, only to fight my way through a building with LSD trippy visuals.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  9. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I would pay good money for the original Saints Row 1 to be ported to the PC in a quality engine. But Saints Row 2 and 3 are some seriously fun games. You cannot take them seriously though. They are nuts and that is half the appeal.

    The Pony-Ride out was making me laugh my ass off too. :D
  10. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    Saints Row the Third is the best of the two I've played, and a fairly good port too. Aside from a few things missing from SR2, some shoddy moments and some obviously cut corners, it's really good.

    Anyway, I've moved onto another game too.


    OmniNegro likes this.
  11. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

  12. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    Ah damn, my Saints Street 2 crashes when I kick the door in the tutorial -.-
    Anyone here knowing how to fix that?
    OmniNegro likes this.
  13. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Yes. What version. Feel free to come chat me up in a PM if you would rather keep it quiet. I freely admit that I use a pirated copy to bypass some idiocy with the purchased version I have. But Gaslamp does not want us discussing that sort of thing here. Even if we have every right to play the game, it just sends the wrong message to discuss it.

    Presuming it is the Steam version, you may have no hope.
  14. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

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  15. Createx

    Createx Member

    Oh yeah, the Pony ride :D I love Zimos in general, constantly poking fun at any pimp clichees and autotune users :)
    OmniNegro likes this.
  16. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    Resonance can go swivel for now.
    Mass Effect 3 is obtuse.

    Sod it, I just bought Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes for PC. Gonna play that instead, even though I already have the DS version.
  17. Frelus

    Frelus Member

    Dragon Age 2.
    Dragon Age Origins.
    Rogues ftw!
    Also, mages. But their specialisations in 2 suck (until I patched, at least... after patch 1.03 or 04, blood magic got viable. The thing was: Blood mages use their HP as mana. So they need to put points into the attributes Magic and Constitution. Good robes, though, needed willpower at a quite high level as a requirement to wear them, while willpower only affected max. mana - not that useful, since a bloodmage gains up to 10 or so points of "mana" per point of constitution, and can only use his spec. spells while using the HP into mana mode... So no real need for willpower. The patch lowered the secodary attribte requirement significantly.)
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  18. tohapply

    tohapply Member

    I am playing Dragon Nest for I have played it for a long time though I am not very good at it.
    And I am also playing Knight Age. My friend suggest me to have a try.
  19. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    Torchlight 2 was just released, and so far I'm having a lot of fun with it. The game I'm really waiting on (besides CE, of course) is XCom, but that's still a month away.
  20. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    BTW, I just got notified that an updated version of the Fallen Enchantress beta was just released so it looks like I'll have to give that a try as well. I think anyone who previously purchased Elemental: War of Magic, has access to the beta. In theory, Fallen Enchantress is supposed to be what Elemental was promised to be (but wasn't), a spiritual successor to the old classic Microprose game, "Master of Magic" (which, btw, I highly recommend you pick up from GOG.COM, if you like 4X games).