YHTNTEP without Steam?

Discussion in 'You Have To Name The Expansion Pack' started by JuliaW, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. Hotbread

    Hotbread Member

    np, tho its prolly still got multiple bugs, im still playtesting it myself.
    and dont go making a torrent just yet, Im going to make some new sprites and hopefully fix a few things then upload a better patch.

    EDIT: thanks for trusting me, also, I didn't expect anyone to automatically trust a download from somebody that signed up within 24hours.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  2. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    No problem. I am a bit surprised to see that this is mostly identical to the normal YHTNTEP though.

    There seems to be two extra files in your skills directory. stunned32.png and stunned64.png.

    And looking in the game directory seems to show why. I am guessing this is designed to not go into the expansion2 directory, but to add and replace on conflict the original game content? Or is this for RotDG?

    Also, what version are you actually running? 1.0.10?

    *Edit* To be clear, as you probably already know, RotDG stuff goes in /DoD Path/expansion/ while YHTNTEP normally goes in /DoD Path/expansion2/ and obviously the base game stuff goes in /DoD Path/ and all these paths are relative.
  3. Hotbread

    Hotbread Member

    bleh, I hadn't thought of that, this is just kind of a rough draft, I am working on compiling it into a version that can be placed in the mods folder.
    Im new to modding DoD, I shouldnt be throwing files out as of right now.
    sorry for your troubles D:>
    OmniNegro likes this.
  4. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Well, the expansions do not actually work as mods. (I think not at least.) Does it seem to work for you? Believe me, I am happy to see someone working on this. As you have no-doubt read, Desura and Gamefly are really dragging their feet on the new versions. Once they get it up to date all this will fall into oblivion as it will be mostly useless. But that does not mean we do not appreciate your work!
  5. Hotbread

    Hotbread Member

    I'll tinker around with it tonight and try to get something workable out tomorrow for testing.

    EDIT: some stuff came up and Im going to be bust for a bit, going to have to hold off on this, sorry!
  6. SicBoi

    SicBoi Member

    Any word on a patch for GameFly? I bought my own copy today so I didn't have to play at my friend's place all the time, and I can't even use YHTNTEP.
  7. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

  8. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

  9. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    The torrent is still going strong too BTW. But the more, the merrier. (Is that spelled right?)
  10. SicBoi

    SicBoi Member

    Yeah, I have the expansion, but GameFly doesn't have the 1.0.11 patch, so it is useless.
  11. DumbVamp

    DumbVamp Member

    Another Gamefly user here, waiting
  12. SicBoi

    SicBoi Member

    It sucks, doesn't it? I downloaded it thinking, "Well, I will get to try out the new expansion! It looks like it will rock!". So much for that.
  13. Shardz

    Shardz Member

    For the love of cod, would you please FINALLY put the standalone Windows version 1.011 on Desura?! It's still stuck at v1.010 for Windows and Mac installers, and I've been pleading for 3 weeks now to get this right.

    This is borderline blasphemous and getting quite ridiculous waiting until I remain a dried up corpse in the corner for this release. Windows 15 will be out before I get the !&@*! patch at this rate.
  14. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    Solution: Gaslamp host the patches themselves. That would be quite a good workaround for everyone, yes?
  15. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    If they could make it so that the patch wasn't equivalent with (almost) the whole game, yes.

    But the real problem there is the communication failure between them and some distributors.
  16. Shardz

    Shardz Member

    That would be fine with me. I guess it's too late to implement a serial code method for the other two distro methods. That would enable the possibility for an in-game auto-updater (which this program desperately needs) without the need to even visit a web page. Arcen (AI War) has got this down to a science with their games and they are on Steam, also. You can delete every web browser on your PC and still get updates with no problems. you mentioned above, have the cumulative patches listed/hosted in the forums for some kind of backup plan in case something haywire occurs. And something haywire has been occurring for three weeks now because a lot of people are blacked out from the current patch. Sure, you can load up the Desura client and update, but most of us on Desura are trying to avoid loading clients for our games. That's the whole point to even going over there in the first place. To avoid the OTHER place with their mandatory client.

    I dunno. Just do something...
  17. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    I'm leaning towards doing this. Alternately, would somebody just like to make me a trailer? I'm this close to busting out the hand-puppets.

    Also, on this front: we have *finally* made progress on a way to sell Dredmor, RotDG, and eventually CotW, DRM-free, without Steam *or* Desura. I think we're still signing the paperwork, but we have a test widget and a bunch of forms to fill out for the IRS, so this is good news.

    EDIT: In particular I think we'll have to do this for Gamefly users anyway, although I think we've sold... very, very few copies on Gamefly to date. (I'm not going to say the number. It's a small number.) How many of you are there? Can I get a show of hands?
    OmniNegro likes this.
  18. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I bought it on all current platforms. And we can certainly make a video or ten. How long and what would you like showcased and at what resolution?

    Freedom from middlemen would be awesome. Just let us know what you need to make it happen.
    shaken likes this.
  19. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    Oooh, I'm interested.
  20. DumbVamp

    DumbVamp Member

    Present. If there's a way, I'd be willing to get a Steam account to download the updated version and this expansion.